Immaterial Me! (Video) The Case For the Soul
So that we may no longer be children, tossed to and fro by the waves and carried about by every wind… Ephesians 4:14
Jesus & the Old Testament Irrelevant? (The Gospel of Luke + Series Final)
Jesus & the Old Testament (The Gospel of John)
Jesus & the Old Testament (The Gospel of Matthew)
Jesus & the Old Testament (The Gospel of Mark)
Making Sense of Old Testament Laws (Part 2 of 2) Why do Christians follow some OT laws & not others?
Making Sense of Old Testament Laws (Part 1 of 2) Are OT laws arbitrary, offensive & silly?
Must Christians Follow the Old Testament Law? (Part 4) Hebrews: Freedom from Dead Works
Must Christians Follow the Old Testament Law? (Part 3) Acts: What to Do With Those Filthy Gentiles
Must Christians Follow the Old Testament Law? (Part 2) Romans: It’s the End of the Law as We Know It
Must Christians Follow the Old Testament Law? (Part 1) Galatians: Paul Gives a Smackdown
A Different Kind of Love Triangle (1 John)
More Undesigned Coincidences!!!
Harmonizing the Empty Tomb Accounts
Jesus: Debate Kung Fu Master
Did Jesus Have a Sense of Humor?
Humble Beginnings: How Do We Know Jesus Came From a Poor Family of Low Status?
Attack of the Mutant Freaks! (1 Corinthians 12:4–31)
Book Excerpt: Introduction: "The Big Question" - Would the Real Jesus Please Stand up??
Differences or Contradictions? Part 7 How Does 4 Different Gospels Strengthen Their Authenticity?